Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor - What is It?

Organic Chemistry Tutor - What is It?The organic chemistry tutor is a paid job that you can get through an online college that focuses on teaching chemistry as an undergraduate science. This online college will also be able to offer their students some of the best tutors that they can find with online classes, so the natural choice is to look for one of these in order to earn your Associate's or Bachelor's degree.You may wonder how to find out if you are a good candidate for the organic chemistry tutor job. There are several things that you can look at to help determine if you would be a good candidate for this job or not.When you are looking for a chemistry tutor, you will first need to know what type of chemistry you will be studying. This means that you will want to choose a Chemistry program that will not only allow you to take a thorough course, but will also allow you to be a better student. Choosing the best chemistry program would mean that you are really choosing the best ca reer for you. All of the best chemistry programs are more than just courses and books that you have to study, and they are also more than just hands-on programs.You will want to consider some of the advantages of the organic chemistry tutor job, so you will want to find out what it is that you will be doing when you get one of these jobs. Many of the organic chemistry job positions require someone to have several years of experience, and they do not have to be in a chemistry field or even in a college environment.You will need to know if the organic chemistry tutor is going to come in to your college with you or if you will have to arrange to get there on your own. Once you have decided to work with someone, you will want to make sure that they have the proper credentials.Some of the requirements for a certain number of hours that they are willing to provide you for your degree are often based on your previous experience, but there are also other requirements that are based on the d egree you are pursuing. When you find a college that offers a Bachelor's degree program in organic chemistry, they may not have all of the hours that you are looking for, so you will want to check to see if there are other requirements that you are missing out on.Finding a good organic chemistry tutor is going to take some effort on your part, but if you can find one that has the necessary experience and credentials, you will be able to earn your degree faster and with a lot less stress. You will also have the chance to do something that you love and get paid for it, too. Organic chemistry jobs are perfect for those who do not have a lot of time for school and are usually easy to find.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What Kind of Career Can You Have With An Art Degree

What Kind of Career Can You Have With An Art Degree What To Do With Your Degree in Fine Arts ChaptersTypes of Art Programs AvailableTypes of Design DegreesWhat Jobs in Art Can You Apply For?How To Apply To An Art InstituteWhether you’re an undergraduate who has almost attained their bachelor of fine arts, are taking a semester off to think about the next step in your artistic journey, or simply want to learn more about the discipline you’re about to study â€" it is extremely important to understand what an kind of job opportunities you can get with an arts degree.The discipline of art includes everything from ceramics to music performance CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teac her 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsTypes of Art Programs AvailableIn order to underst and the different types of jobs out there, it is important to determine the different types of degrees there are within an programs.Fine Arts DegreeA bachelor (BFA degree) or master in fine arts (MFA degree)make up the bulk of the degree programs you are likely to find within an arts education. The reason is because this field encompasses both the visual arts as well as the performance arts.Visual arts involve everything from studio art to the humanities and can be found in both an art school as well as liberal arts institutions.Because a bachelor or master of arts can mean that you have specialized in a wide array of subjects, here are some of the most common specializations employers are likely to recognize:SculptureCeramicsPrintmakingArt and designDrawing and PaintingStudio artsArchitectureDigital mediaFilm DegreesWhile a master or bachelor of arts degree in film will still have the same title as one in one of the subjects mentioned above, the types of jobs you will be applying t o are likely going to be different. If you are a prospective student that is interested in a program or study geared towards film and film production, you will probably attend one of the many art schools that have a focus solely on film and the technical skills needed to produce them.Here are some of the art majors you’re likely to encounter whether you graduate from a film school or with a liberal arts education:Computer animationFilm and television productionPhotographyGame artDigital artsVisual cultureDiscover the best art classes near me here.Art HistoryArt history is one of the most viable career paths inside of the art world. If you’re interested in the history of art, you won’t even need to find an art program at a school of art. In fact, many universities offer art history as a program even without specifically giving any art degrees (a BFA or MFA).A bachelor of the arts degree in film can lead to a rewarding careerTypes of Design DegreesOn par with visual art degrees are many art programs and art courses dedicated to design. As with fine arts degrees and degrees from film schools, design degrees also award students with a baccalaureate or master of fine arts degree.This, however, will depend on what specialization ends up being and is specified between the two most common degree pathways found below.Art and Design DegreeA fine arts degree in art and design are typically awarded to students who attend a college of art and study the interdisciplinary subjects of the visual arts and physical or digital composition. The career goals of these types of graduates are usually oriented towards opening up their own retail shops or artisanal stores. Graduates with design degrees are, for the most part, awarded graduate and undergraduate degrees in the fine arts (BFA and MFA).Some of the most common programs you are likely to be awarded if you go to a college of art and design are:MetalsmithingPrintmakingGraphic designIllustrationJewelry makingArchitecture DegreesWhile many people don’t often think of an architect as a fine artist â€" architecture is actually often an integral part of studying any form of art history. In fact, many of the movements in the history of art have been either preceded or followed by a response in the way we build our cities.While earning an associate degree in architecture will prepare you for entry level work, many employers will require at least a bachelors degree if you are an associate in arts. An undergraduate and graduate degree in architecture will normally be rewarded as a Bachelor of Science (BS), depending on your area of study.Some of the most common degrees for which you will find an architecture graduate certificate are:Architectural theoryDesign computationBuilding scienceEnvironmental architecture and sustainabilityWhat Jobs in Art Can You Apply For?In an age where college is getting more and more expensive, attaining a college education is becoming an even bigger financial burden to young students â€" especially young artists. Wanting to pursue an art education can be especially daunting with the field’s notoriety in unemployment.The truth is, however, art jobs can be found anywhere and everywhere. While it is always a good idea to get in touch with alumni or professors for any career questions you might have, it can also be helpful to understand the vast array of jobs that will be available to you depending on your degree.An arts education can lead to a rewarding careerExhibition WorkWorking in any sort of gallery and museum as an artist can be a very broad field â€" however, if you’re solely interested in getting your work into an exhibit, specializing in exhibition work will be best for you. This includes everything from having your artworks displayed in galleries for sale, collaborating with private and public museums to get your work displayed, or simply getting your work to appear at local bars or cafes.One important thing to understand is that the people w hose passion it is to share their art in this way, they normally don’t support themselves on this basis alone. Just as with many signers or performing artists, there are a very small percentage of artists who manage to support themselves on their artwork alone. It is very common that artists getting their works on exhibition also take up other jobs in education.Arts AdministrationArts administration jobs can be found anywhere from museums to NGOs. Whether you make your own art or not, arts administration concerns itself more with facilitating the movement of art from one place or person to another.Some of the more common jobs will be found in collaboration with art institutions like museums, libraries or galleries. This type of career should interest you if you’re also interested in anything from project management, finance, art history or sustainability.Art TeacherWhether you’re involved in giving theory based education courses or in teaching the creative arts, being an art t eacher is one of the most common jobs for artists. While many artists find themselves drawn to education because of their love for spreading art to younger generations, the schedule of teaching also is ideal for artists who want to continue to pursue their craft.While teachers will have to focus on developing coursework or limited school budgets, they also have an amazing opportunity to be able to store their materials somewhere that isn’t in their own home. Art education is a field you should look into if you’re interested in teaching, developing your own work, working with children or with art institutions around the world.Film IndustryThe film industry, especially in today’s world, is full of people who specialize in every aspect that goes into making movies, shows and videos. This can range anywhere from making big budget animations to owning your own business.While the film industry has grown to encompass a lot more subjects than it did at its inception, that also means t hat they employ a vast amount of people every year. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that the cost of getting a film degree is relatively higher than some of the other degrees in the arts field. If you’re interested in film jobs, make sure to look into directorial work, computer design or photography.Performing Arts IndustryOne major arm of the art industry includes the performing arts. If you’re interested in acting, performing, dancing or singing â€" this field will be perfect for developing your passions. Depending on what your goal is in this industry â€" becoming an actor in films, becoming a drama professor â€" your career path will vary.Ultimately, people who should find careers in the performing arts will generally be people who find performance expression rewarding. Some of the fields you could check out if you’re interested in performance arts are theater, music engineering, or dance.If you’re not sure about what you’d like to do with your degree â€" thereâ €™s no need to panic. With enough preparation, you should be able to find an internship, volunteer or job opportunity in the field you’re interested in. This will give you a better understanding of what exactly you can expect, both in terms of salary and work-life balance, from a specific job field.How To Apply To An Art InstituteApplying to a college of arts differ from applying to other universities in the UK only by the necessity to build a portfolio. Once you’ve applied through UCAS, submitting your portfolio will be the only additional step you’ll have to take to get closer to your entering your chosen program of study.Finding the right art course and university, however, are equally as difficult parts of the application process. As a prospective student, you should focus on a couple of aspects of a program to help you make your decision:The cost of tuition and availability of scholarshipsThe amount of credit hours and coursework involvedIf you’ll be able to take an ele ctive or internship

Family Rules for Kids with ADHD

Family Rules for Kids with ADHD Family rules are like a code of conduct for your household. We clean up after ourselves. We follow directions the first time. We wait our turn to talk. Family rules are great. They provide clear expectations. They help parents be consistent. And they cut down on the amount of arguing or negotiating that occurs when rules are broken. But when a child has ADHD, coming up with family rules that work for everyone can be tricky. Kids with ADHD may not be able to meet the same expectations as other kids in the family. In fact, its not uncommon for an older child with ADHD to have more difficulty with the family rules than their younger brother or sister. So, how do you come up with rules that will work for everyone? These four tips will help you get on the right track: Focus on do rules rather than dont rules. All kids, especially those with ADHD, learn best when they are told what to do rather than what not to do. Consider this example: the doorbell rings when your childs best friend arrives for a playdate, and your child starts to run down the stairs. You call out, No running in the house! What does your child do? They slide down the banister. Did your child follow the instruction? Yes they did! But did they do what you really wanted? Not even close! If you had told the child what to do Remember, we walk in the house, then they would have clearly known what was expected, and would have been more likely to follow the direction. Keep the list short. Kids with ADHD have a hard time keeping track of lengthy lists of rules. So, limit your list to 5 rules. Rules that apply across a variety of situations can help you meet this goal. For example, We respect others captures a wide range of problem behaviors, like grabbing a toy from another child, using a sassy tone of voice, criticizing a sibling, etc. Some of my favorite family rules for kids with ADHD are, We wait our turn to talk. We follow directions the first time. We show good sportsmanship whether we win or lose. We put things back where they belong. Set rules based on ability level. Think about each child in your family, and his or her actual ability to follow each of the rules right now. Consider this house rule, We put things back where they belong. ADHD will make it hard for kids to follow this rule, even as they get older. If your child almost never puts things back right now, you may need to remind him or her to follow the rule in the beginning. So, try starting with this version instead: We put things back where they belong with one or fewer reminders. Eventually, as new behaviors become habits, you can increase your expectations and drop the reminders portion of the rule. Praise and reward good behavior. Kids with ADHD rely on feedback from others and positive reinforcement to follow rules and learn new behavior. So, praise your child when you see them following one of the rules. And the praise should be specific to the rule. Great job putting your toys back on the shelf where they belong! Do this often! The more often you praise your child the more likely you are to see changes in behavior. When structured correctly, family rules can work for kids with ADHD and their siblings. In fact, theyll provide a solid foundation that will help your family flourish! ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Adjectives with Ed and Ing (video and exercise)

English Adjectives with Ed and Ing (video and exercise) Were proud of the new video weve posted below on English adjectives with Ed and Ing. We love these animated videos, and hope to produce more in the future.A lot of our students get confused by English adjectives with Ed and Ing. First, because they look like verbs in the present simple and the continuous tense, second because theyre not sure how the Ing and Ed effect the meaning of the word. Watch the video below, then see if you can do the exercises and master English adjectives with Ed and Ing. Also, be sure to watch more of our English videos if you have time. Choose the correct answer. You can write your answers in comments and we will respond.My English classes via Skype are very (interested/interesting).The students are never (bored/boring) in our classes.I was (irritated/irritating) that I had to wait 2 weeks to see the movie.He was (embarrassed/embarrassing) that he hadnt studied his English adjectives.The news that the economy is (improved/improving) was good news to everyon e.We are (excited/exciting) that our new video is finished.I think that animation can be very (entertained/entertaining).We plan on having a (relaxed/relaxing) weekend.This months results are (encouraged/encouraging).I hope this lesson wasnt (confused/confusing) for you.Want more? Click here to try our adjectives quiz. Rodolfo Santos Interesting Bored Irritated Embarrassed improving Excited Entertaining relaxing Encouraging Confusing LOIEnglish Good Rodolfo! Perfect! Fernando_badopi My English classes via Skype are very (interesting).The students are never (bored) in our classes.I was (irritated) that I had to wait 2 weeks to see the movie.He was (embarrassed) that he hadn’t studied his English adjectives.The news that the economy is (improving) was good news to everyone.We are (excited) that our new video is finished.I think that animation can be very (entertaining).We plan on having a (relaxing) weekend.This month’s results are (encouraging).I hope this lesson wasn’t (con fusing) for you. LOIEnglish Very good Fernando! Perfect score! sly 1interesting 2bored 3irritating 4 embarassed 5 improved 6 excited 7 entertaining 8 relaxing 9 encouraging 10 confusing LOIEnglish You had a problem with number 3 and number 5. Number 3 the subject I isnt causing or producing the emotion irritate it is feeling. It is an emotional state. You can substitute FEEL with the verb TO BE In this sentence: I FELT very irritated. Remember the ING means that the subject is producing the emotion. The traffic in LA is irritatING.Number 5 is a trick question because this is not an adjective ending it is Present Continuous or Present Progressive. In this verbal tense you always use TO BE with the ING verb ending.I hope this helps! Marina Danilova 1. interesting 2. bored 3. irritated 4. embarrassed 5. improving 6. excited 7.entertaning 8, relaxing 9. encouraging 10. confusing LOIEnglish Excellent work. I think you have the idea! LOIEnglish Good Ryo. You only had problems with Question #3, irritating. Take a look at the sentence:I was (irritated/irritating) that I had to wait 2 weeks to see the movie. The subject is I, so we are talking about the speakers feelings. The speaker feels irritatED because they had to wait to see the movie. Generally, when the subject is I we are going to use an adjective ED ending because we are talking about how someone feels. I am confusED. I am borED. It isnt common for someone to say, I am boring. That means that they are creating boredom for other people. I hope this helps! I am looking forward to our next class! Sean Hwang interesting, bored, irritated, embarrassed, improving, excited, entertaining, relaxing, encouraging, confusing LOIEnglish Good Sean! YongTae 1. interesting / 2. bored / 3. irritated / 4.embarrassed / 5. improved / 6. excited / 7. entertaining / 8. relaxed / 9. encouraging / 10. confusing LOIEnglish Nice work YongTae. Ilka interesting. bored. irritated embarrassed improving excited entertaining. re laxing. encouraging confusing LOIEnglish Nicely done Ilka. Ana 1) interesting 2) bored 3) irritated 4) embarrassed 5) improving 6) excited- 7) entertaining -(8 relaxing 9) encouraging 10) confusing LOIEnglish Good work! LOIEnglish Question #5 is a bit tricky. The correct answer is improving In this sentence we are looking at the verb rather than the adjective. In this sentence we see the present continuous or progressive form to be + verbING, we use it to say something is happening at the moment. The economy IS IMPROVING. luca lattarini 1- My English classes via skype are very interesting2-The students are never bored in our classes3-I was irritated that I had to wait 2 weeks to see the movie4-He was embarrassed that he hadnt studied his english adjectives5-The news that the economy is improving was good news to everyone.6-We are excited that our new video is finished.7-I think that animation can be very entertaining8- We plan on having a relaxing weekend.9- This month†™s results are encouraging10-I hope this lesson wasn’t confusing for you. LOIEnglish Good work Luca! Rafa Lima My English classes via Skype are very interesting. The students are never bored in our classes. I was irritated that I had to wait 2 weeks to see the movie. He was embarrassed that he hadn’t studied his English adjectives. The news that the economy is improving was good news to everyone. We are excited that our new video is finished. I think that animation can be very entertaining. We plan on having a relaxing weekend. This month’s results are encouraging. I hope this lesson wasn’t confusing for you. LOIEnglish Good Rafa! Marc Andreu 1 My English classes via Skype are very interesting.2 The students are never bored in our classes.3 I was irritared that I had to wait 2 weeks to see the movie. 4 He was emarrased that he hadn’t studied his English adjectives. LOIEnglish Nice work. Marc Andreu 5 The news that the economy is improving was good news to everyone. 6 We are excited that our new video is finished. 7 I think that animation can be very entertaining. 8 We plan on having a relaxing weekend. 9 This month’s results are encouraging. 10 I hope this lesson wasn’t confusing for you. LOIEnglish Great! LOIEnglish Perfect! susana gonzalez My English classes via Skype are very (interesting). The students are never (bored) in our classes. I was (irritated) that I had to wait 2 weeks to see the movie. He was (embarrassed) that he hadn’t studied his English adjectives. The news that the economy is (improving) was good news to everyone. We are (excited) that our new video is finished. I think that animation can be very (entertaining). We plan on having a (relaxing) weekend. This month’s results are (encouraging). I hope this lesson wasn’t (confusing) for you. LOIEnglish #7: entertaining (remember inanimate objects do not have feelingsonly people and animals) #10: confusing (the object is lesson) LOIEnglish 100%

Using Myers-Briggs to Explain Different Learning Styles

Using Myers-Briggs to Explain Different Learning Styles It is a fact that all students not only learn differently but also perceive information differently. As a student, it is important you understand how your personality traits affect how you learn as well as how you behave. Learning styles are defined as the methods through which you acquire, perceive, and process information. When it comes to learning styles, there is no right or wrong way to learn - everyone just has his or her own preferred style of learning. Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs developed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, to help people understand the differences of human personalities. The test itself is based on the theory of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. Myers and Briggs used Jung's theory to create a list of four personality traits: Introvert-Extravert (I-E), Sensing-Intuitive (S-N), Thinking-Feeling (T-F) and Perceiving-Judging (P-J). While these are the four main personality ranges, there are numerous other combinations that stem from these as well. By understanding your specific personality type, you can plan your career more realistically and manage studies better, because you will be equipped with an understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses. Here are some common personality traits identified by the MBTI and how each affects learning: Introverts v. Extraverts If you are an introvert, you tend to be quiet, listen attentively, and think before acting. You would rather be alone than with others, and you have the ability to concentrate well and prefer to handle one task as a time. However, if you are an extravert, you may have a great deal of energy, talk much more than listen, and act before thinking. You may like to be around a crowd of people, are easily distracted, and love to multitask. Sensors v. Intuitives If you are a sensor, you tend to focus on specifics, easily remember facts, live in the present, trust real-life experience and work at a steady pace. However, if you are an intuitive, you may tend to focus on the bigger picture, think about the implications of the future, trust your gut instinct, and work in energy bursts. Thinkers v. Feelers If you are a thinker, you tend to make decisions objectively, have a reserved attitude, are direct and honest and argue things 'just for fun.' However, you are likely a feeler if you make decisions based on your feelings and emotions, have a friendly attitude, are tactful and diplomatic, and do your best to avoid debates, conflicts, and arguments. Perceivers v. Judgers You know you are a perceiver if you are playful, prefer to begin projects but struggle to complete them, put play before work, question the need for rules, and love to be spontaneous. However, you are probably a judger if you take things seriously, like to complete projects rather than starting them, put work first and play later, are a rule follower, and love to have things in order and scheduled. By understanding what your personality type is, as well as your learning preferences and your ideal classroom environment, you can better deal with a variety of classroom situations.

Horizon Japan International School

Horizon Japan International School Horizon Japan International School Horizon Japan International School (HJIS) is an institution with a solid foundation that keeping a constant eye towards development and committed to excellence in teaching and learning. HJIS was founded in 2003, reflecting our strength of belief in the spirit of internationalism. HJIS holds accreditation from the Japanese Government and candidacy status forWASC and CIS. It isauthorised by International Baccalaureate (IB) to implement the Diploma Programme (DP). It is also a member of the European Council of International Schools (ECIS) and Council of International Schools (CIS). Horizon, implements the following curricula which earns students diploma recognised worldwide: Preschool and Kindergarten: Cambridge Early Years Foundation Stage Primary School (Grade 1-6): Cambridge International Primary Curriculum Middle School (Grade 7-8) Cambridge International Secondary Curriculum Grade 9 and 10: International General Certificate of Secondary Education Curriculum Grade 11 and 12: IB Diploma Programme

Economists Say Bitcoin is Genuine Money

Economists Say Bitcoin is Genuine Money To be sure, not all economists would agree that bitcoin is money. But in this article we ignore all those politically motivated economists and focus on facts and invoke reason. And it is good day to think about whether bitcoins are money because in this first week of 2017 the price for one bitcoin has rissen over $1000 exchange value. So, Happy New Year to all you bitcoin holders! At the heart of our answer as to why bitcoins is genuine money lays Ludwig von Mises regression theorem. Ludwig von Mises is perhaps the greatest economist of the 20th century and exponent of the school of Austrian Economics. In his regression theorem Mises shows that todays fiat currencies (dollar, euro, pesos) must have originated from commodity moneys, such as gold, silver or pressed tea leaves in India. These commodity moneys have intrinsic values. Out of gold one can forge jewelry, or tea leaves make a hot beverage. The regression theorem includes the problem of the double-coincidence of wants, that is to trade cattle for a meal or one needs a medium of exchange. Historically, common forms of these mediums of exchange were grains of salt, gold coins. Today, we use paper fiat money. These moneys have useful in its own right because they facilitate exchange. That is a typical $20 bill has perhaps only a few cents commodity value (that is paper) and the rest if it, that is $19.98 i s pure exchange value. Have bitcoins commodity value? No. Ok, some economist argue they due because they regard the block chain as a commodity. But lets leave them aside. But it doesnt matter. Without any commodity value bitcoins derive their value solely from its exchange value. That is the value of a bitcoins is 100% exchange value. Thus, the Mises regression theorem applies and bitcoins is money. If you still doubt this reasoning, visit and buy yourself some sports equipment, household goods or a trip on a cruise liner. If you still not yet convinced whether bitcoins are genuine money ask one of our fabulous economics tutors. Economists Say Bitcoin is Genuine Money To be sure, not all economists would agree that bitcoin is money. But in this article we ignore all those politically motivated economists and focus on facts and invoke reason. And it is good day to think about whether bitcoins are money because in this first week of 2017 the price for one bitcoin has rissen over $1000 exchange value. So, Happy New Year to all you bitcoin holders! At the heart of our answer as to why bitcoins is genuine money lays Ludwig von Mises regression theorem. Ludwig von Mises is perhaps the greatest economist of the 20th century and exponent of the school of Austrian Economics. In his regression theorem Mises shows that todays fiat currencies (dollar, euro, pesos) must have originated from commodity moneys, such as gold, silver or pressed tea leaves in India. These commodity moneys have intrinsic values. Out of gold one can forge jewelry, or tea leaves make a hot beverage. The regression theorem includes the problem of the double-coincidence of wants, that is to trade cattle for a meal or one needs a medium of exchange. Historically, common forms of these mediums of exchange were grains of salt, gold coins. Today, we use paper fiat money. These moneys have useful in its own right because they facilitate exchange. That is a typical $20 bill has perhaps only a few cents commodity value (that is paper) and the rest if it, that is $19.98 i s pure exchange value. Have bitcoins commodity value? No. Ok, some economist argue they due because they regard the block chain as a commodity. But lets leave them aside. But it doesnt matter. Without any commodity value bitcoins derive their value solely from its exchange value. That is the value of a bitcoins is 100% exchange value. Thus, the Mises regression theorem applies and bitcoins is money. If you still doubt this reasoning, visit and buy yourself some sports equipment, household goods or a trip on a cruise liner. If you still not yet convinced whether bitcoins are genuine money ask one of our fabulous economics tutors.